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In John 4, while Jesus talked with a lonely and shame-ridden Samaritan woman, His disciples brought Him food and urged Him to eat…

John 4: 31-34 “Rabbi, eat something.” But He said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about…My food, to do the will of Him who sent Me…

Jesus did not eat their food….He was too hungry for God’s purpose to be fulfilled in the Samaritan people. On the cross, in the midst of physical and spiritual anguish over our sin and shame, Jesus cried out, “I thirst!” John 19:28-31 The soldiers around the cross, lifted up a sponge soaked in wine vinegar for Him to drink. The original language used in this verse specifically says He refused to drink it…. Why would Jesus refuse to eat and drink when His body was hungry and thirsty? It was because His hunger for Gods will and work was greater than His hunger for physical nourishment. He hungered that the Samarians would be saved….He thirsted that our sins we would forgiven. Are you that hungry and thirsty for God’s will in your life; for a break-through in your home; for revival in our church and city? If so, then you will declare like Jesus….

“My food, to do the will of God!”

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